
Colonew is a unique blend of all-natural ingredients, formulated to be gentle on your body while eliminating toxic buildup in your colon. Unlike other harsh colon cleansers, you can use this product daily to maintain a healthy colon.
Colonew helps your body:

Recommended Usage: Our research has found it most effective to begin taking Colonew at least 7 to 10 days before taking any of our weight loss supplements, including your Complex Diet. Continued daily during, and after the Complex Diet may help enhance your results.
Real People. Real Results.
Benefits & Usage:

100 % All-Natural Ingredients:
Ingredients |
Benefit |
Psyllium Husks | Reduces appetite, improves digestion, and cleanses the system |
Papaya | Helps relieve constipation, nausea, and colon related illnesses |
Mangosteen | Helps fight infection and inflammation. Helps relieve constipation and promotes normal bowel health |
Bentonite Clay | Helps balance bacteria in digestive tract. Cleanses liver, colon, and skin |
Black Walnut Hull Powder | Helps improve digestion and natural bowel regularity |
Oat Bran Powder | Helps maintain natural bowel regularity. Fights fatigue |
Flax Seed Powder | Helps prevent and reduce inflammation |
Prune Powder | Helps relieve constipation and maintain natural bowel regularity |
Aloe Vera Powder | Helps prevent and treat candida infections, and lubricates intestinal tract |
L-Acidophilus | Helps improve digestion, and boosts immune system |
Apple Pectin Powder | Helps remove toxins from colon and promotes healthy digestive tract |
Glucomannan Powder | Promotes bowel regularity, slows digestion of fats, helps you feel “full” |
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I take this during the BioSource Nutra Diet Protocol?
Yes. Many people experience constipation or other irregularities during the diet protocol due to the dietary changes. The ingredients in Colonew can help maintain regularity while balancing the gut biome. This is a great thing when you are trying to lose weight and gain new eating habits.
Will Colonew make me run to the bathroom?
The short answer is no, it shouldn't. However, each person is different with how they're bodies react to new foods and supplements. Colonew is designed to be gentle on the stomach to help move things along without a catastrophic blow out!
How long should I take Colonew for?
Colonew is designed to be taken for daily support. Most people experience or feel the biggest difference within the first 15 days. Although you may not feel the same difference after that period we recommend continuing with this product for at least 3 months to allow the product to continue to work so your body can adapt well.